As part of my recent Brunswick Islands NC trip, I climbed the Oak Island Lighthouse on Caswell Beach, and I’m so glad I did.
The extraordinary view of the salt marshes, Atlantic Ocean, Cape Fear River, barrier islands and Old Baldy from the lantern gallery level is totally worth the climb!
The Oak Island Lighthouse is the newest lighthouse in North Carolina, and the next to last one to be built on the East Coast. It may not be as visually striking as some, but when you hear how it was built, you come to appreciate those muted colors.
Older lighthouses were built wider at the bottom and tapered up, but not this one! It was built in a cylindrical shape by continuously pouring cement one foot per hour for seven straight days. Pretty wild!
And see those stripes? They’re permanently cast into the concrete walls with three different mixtures of Portland cement. How they managed to change the mixture while continuously pouring is beyond me!
So about that climb….
heebie jeebies.
It was exhilarating but also seriously white knucklin’, not because of the 153-foot height — I’m not afraid of heights at all — but because of the staircase!
While most older lighthouses have spiral staircases, the Oak Island lighthouse doesn’t. It has ship’s ladder steps, steeeeeeeeep ship’s ladder steps, and they’re freakin’ scary. There are only 12 steps in the first set, but then 17 steps before you arrive at each of the next landings, and it’s pretty much like climbing a ladder. (131 steps in total)
The reason this lighthouse has ship’s ladder steps is because it was designed by the Coast Guard, and they wanted the fastest way up to the light. Lighthouses with spiral staircases require 2 to 3 times as many steps to arrive at the top.
Since the area is such a horribly treacherous area for ships, time is of the essence.
It makes you appreciate those steps when you know the reasoning behind the design, but it’s still a bit unnerving to think of anyone hustling to the top on them. I took them one slow and careful step at a time.
To climb, you must wear closed toed shoes, and you’re not allowed to hold anything in your hands, carry a purse or wear a backpack. You’ll also need to sign a waiver beforehand.
Again… it’s worth it (and the climb is free). DO IT!
Because the view…
Guests ages 9 and up can take a top tour at no charge, but you’ll need to make reservations at least 2 weeks in advance. Tours to the second level (just 12 steps) are available for ages 7 and up during the summer season with specific hours. Visit the website for details.
Comments & Reviews
Wow, what a cool experience and the views!
Definitely some amazing views from way up there, huh?
I have a slight obsession with lighthouses! We have tons of them around here, but we can’t go in most of them because people live in them.
How fun is that? I love lighthouses. They have a beautiful look to them, and there’s so much history behind them, as well.
oh wow your much braver than me not sure I would have dared do it
How amazing. Looks like everyone had the time of their lives. Such a great experience.
Is this the same Oak Island that they have a TV show on? It looks beautiful and I love exploring light houses.
You are an adventurous person. Look like everyone had a great time. I can imagine the views.
Very cool, I’ve only seen the light houses during my first vacation to the Outer Banks. It was such an adventure, I didn’t climb to the top but maybe I can do it the next time I visit.
What a stunning view can I come and join you up there? 131 steps is quite high but I do love heights as I am a thrill seeker!
Aren’t lighthouses the best? Whenever I go into a lighthouse, I just imagine all the history of the place. How many people were saved by that guiding light? It’s amazing.
Wow! What an experience, I would never be able to do this.
Oh, I did not know you could go up!!! I love Caswell Beach. Oak Island was our summer family vacation destination for years. We used to live in the Carolinas then, now we moved to MS…we made the drive last summer, but it was a little long. This year I am planning on exploring Long Beach in MS. Love all the pictures!!!
Those steps definitely look like they are a little daunting. Still, the view is awesome so it does seem worth it.
Beautiful! I can see why you were leery of those stairs! I’ve been to the top of one here in New England but it had the normal spiral stairs.
Oh I’d love to go up in a lighthouse. What a fun experience!
I don’t think that I could climb those stairs, I hate ladders in general esp the coming back down again x
The climb up I could handle. They would have to help me down as that would be scary for me.
But look at the view though, those steps though so many I think the climb was definitely worth it.
Wow, this looked like it was a heck of a workout for you guys!
Steep ship style steps, yikes! It would have been a decent workout even if it did have the spiral type steps.
What gorgeous views from the Oak Island Lighthouse!! Those steps are pretty scary, but well worth the climb!!
That view is amazing! We are thinking about going to the East coast for the summer and North Carolina is on the top of our list!
My body is trembling, total fear of heights. That looks super high. Glad you made it, because it does look like a great experience for sure!
I love lighthouses, I’ve visited many of them, but I’ve never been in one! It would be so cool to go to the top of one. Your pictures are great!
I love lighthouses, there’s something about them I just can’t get enough of
WOW what a view. Son and I love to climb up to the tops of light houses. It may take me awhile to get up there but the view is AMAZING!!
Magnificent view from the top which I give you full credit for getting to. I know I could never make it-and no I’m not afraid of heights–but a straight up staircase–no way these old lings or legs would make it.
These pictures are sooo beautiful!! I love lighthouses so much and can never take enough pictures of them, like the one in LBI New Jersey – it’s my favorite!!
What a gorgeous view! I climbed my fist lighthouse last summer in Florida and aside from several “breaks”, I made it to the top! I was glued to the lighthouse though and did not venture over towards the railing!
What an amazing view, but you are far braver than me, I could not have climbed that x
Couldnt help but read this and think “sod that for a barrel of laughs!” when I got to the ladder bit. Jeeez!!
What an amazing view! I would love to go inside a light house!
Such an amazing view of the salt marshes, Atlantic Ocean, Cape Fear River, barrier islands, and Old Baldy! I would love to visit this lighthouse sometime.
Oh my goodness, my kids and hubby would love this. They have gone into every lighthouse we have been to and they love them. This one looks amazing. Thanks for sharing
Absolutely beautiful! The views are amazing and the lighthouse looks fab! Not quite sure about those steps though and 131 in total! It’s worth it though for that stunning view 🙂
Those stairs look terrifying! I don’t think I’d be able to get over my fear, especially with signing a waiver! 🙂
Oh my…so gorgeous! But I don’t think I could have handled that climb though.
Wow that view is GORGEOUS! I’ve climbed stairs like that before and they are unnerving. I do agree it looks like it was worth the trip though. I’ve never been in a lighthouse before but it looks interesting.
What a gorgeous view!! I don’t know if I would be brave enough to attempt those creepy stairs thought….
I went to a lighthouse in Oregon and it was so fun and interesting!
We are going to be in NC this Summer. I should add this to our list of stops! Looks great!
WOW that seems like quite the climb. The view looks amazing. Bet you really enjoyed it.
this place looks amazing – I would love to go up in a lighthouse someday as that view is unbelievable
North Carolina really is known for its many lighthouses, isn’t it? That looks like it was quite the climb but that view would make all of it worth it.
Lighthouses are so beautiful! I’d love to go to NC to see this sight.
Those pictures are beautiful! The hike was totally worth it!
Those ladder steps would freak me out too. But, wow, the view!
Now you’re making me wish we had moved to NC instead of SC. That is gorgeous and one heck of a workout for sure.
Sounds like lots of fun! The views from the top are stunning! Great shots!
Lighthouses are so lovely and romantic. It must have been a real treat to see one up close and to check out the inside.
I would have thought the stripes were painted on, not part of the concrete. Those steps – that’s a long way to go climbing straight up!
This looks like a breathtaking place. I will visit it soon.
Isn’t Oak Island very close to Bald Head Island NC? We spent years vacationing there. It’s a spectacular part of the country.
This is an amazing view from the light house. These are great photos. Looks like you had a fantastic day.
Lighthouses are so pretty. I have never been in one before but this really seems neat. I love the view the most.
Oh that view is awesome. I love the lighthouses. Always really fun to see.
I can remember checking out some cool lighthouses when I was younger. I was expecting you to say there were more than 131 steps but that is still a lot! What a fun adventure!
Those are some gorgeous views! I would love to be able to check that out. Lighthouses are so neat! I’ve seen them before but I’ve never actually been inside one before.
What a view! We were thinking of visiting this summer. What amazing views…..seems as you had a great time!
Such a beautiful place. I also love the view it so peaceful 🙂
WOW! Just look at that view. Indeed, the climb was and is worth it. It’s such a wonderful and rewarding experience!
I love seeing lighthouse because it always brings out the beauty of the sea. It’s also a challenge climbing them but of course, the view is always exceptional.
I would love to go up in a lighthouse. That view is just stunning.
Oh my goodness this looks like such a beautiful spot! I would love to vacation there.
Oh my, this is so gorgeous! Your pictures are stunning! I would love to visit a beautiful lighthouse one day. They are so unique.
What a great adventure! I love to visit lighthouses. It is such interesting and historic sightseeing.
I didn’t get to tour any of the lighthouses when I lived in North Carolina. I remember them moving a lighthouse over 10 years ago.
Check out Emerald Isle and the fishing Pier during the summer time if you get a chance. They have caught some huge fish off the pier.
I love touring older lighthouses. This reminds me of one in Florida we visited. Beautiful area. Love all your pics.
The view is breathtaking. That staircase is definitely worth it.
We love going to visit lighthouses when we go away. I go to Cape Cod or Maine. It looks like a lovely place to visit.
The view is truly beautiful. Next time I go sightseeing, climbing a lighthouse will definitely be on my to do list.
I would love to visit there. such an amazing place
Having always lived by the sea I have a fascination with light houses. This one looks fantastic, how great to have climbed it!
I do appreciate the efficiency of the steps. I can see how they would be daunting. 😉 And yep, the different colored stripes is awesome. I like it!
What a beautiful view! I would love to go there one day.
Wow that is high. I don’t think I would have been able to climb it.
I would like to climb the Oak Island Lighthouse one day even if I don’t like spiral staircases ahaha! But the view is so amazing!Thanks for sharing such interesting post!
Wow, those views just wow! I’m not sure I would of made it to the top but I can see how worth it is
Not gonna lie, I have been to that lighthouse. And I did not make it to the top. My hubby did. I always felt bad for not doing it, but … I just couldn’t. lol
I’m curious now to see if I could do it. 🙂 It does look fun.
The view is amazing and how lucky you are to be able to climb it and enjoy it x
What a very nice and truly awesome adventure. So love it.
What a view. Not too sure about that climb though – still probably very good for the thighs!
What a beautiful and photogenic spot! I bet it was wonderful exploring the lighthouse and the area!
How beautiful! I’ve still never been out to that area of the state. I need to make it happen soon.
Wow what a lovely thing to be able to do! I couldn’t deal with the steps being like ladders, I would be terrified lol (yes I know im a wimp)
Oh my goodness those views-wow. I’m scared of heights but I’d go up there with my camera!
Always loved lighthouses but no elevators??? The view is marvellous from the top.
Absolutely gorgeous!!! A great place to take the family on vacation!! Thank you for the great post!
Such a beautiful view! I would totally climb it!
I’m out of breath just looking at the pics of those stairs. But, wow what a beautiful site. I would definitely do it – love that it’s free and a great workout + all that history!
Now THAT would be quite the experience! Although I don’t do well with stairs as is so that flight of stairs would probably best me unless I was at my absolute BEST….either way that would be awesome to do just for that view alone!
There is something so romantic about a lighthouse, isn’t there? I’ve not been to this one…We’ll have to find it next trip to North Carolina.
Oh but what a view it is after that white knuckled climb…
Fantastic views from the top but oh my…those stairs up would be the end of me I think. We walked up a Lighthouse on the Island of Ile De Re in France earlier this year but at least the stairs were enclosed so I couldn’t see down!
Oh my gosh is this beautiful and scary at the same time. I am not sure I would be smiling from the top-LOL
I make a point to climb every lighthouse with my kids. Definitely putting this one on the list
I love touring lighthouses! Such a beautiful view there too.
I’ve always wanted to be inside a lighthouse, I’m so jealous! This looks like a really fun trip
Fantastic view, and what an interesting story about how it was built. I bet when the Coast Guard needs to get down the stairs quickly that design works too because I imagine a person can probably slide down the ladder/stairs.
I was thinking the same thing. I love the story behind it. It is still a lot of streps to go down!
That sounds like a great place to visit. I have always wanted to go to one. That view is amazing.
Looks like an amazing experience. I’m not a big fan of heights but for that view? I’d go up on that lighthouse!
This is one light house we need to cross off of our list. We have been to almost all of the NC light houses.
wow you captured some really awesome moments and it looks like you guys had a great time. thanks so much for sharing.
I have always loved visiting lighthouses – even as a kid. I have been to the top of many lighthouse, but this looks stunning!
Oh! The view is magnificent! Thank you for sharing such beautiful pictures! It is really cool that you enjoyed the lighthouse. Where I live we have one too, now I wonder if this would not make for a nice little field trip with the kids….
Wow this looks super fun! What an adventure!
Oh this looks like fun! My kids would love climbing a lighthouse. My husband loves lighthouses, and we have a few paintings of them in our bedroom.
The views look amazing, but I don’t think I would be able to get up those stairs. I have to admit, I am not too good with heights unfortunately! It would be worth it for the views though
Sounds like a wonderful place to visit with kids. The views are quiet amazing & the pictures are good enough to impress & explore the beauty of the place. Would love a visit with my kids sooner.
Lighthouses are so beautiful to look at. I’ve never been inside one though. It looks like you all had an awesome time!
How fun! I would love to visit here someday. It is very beautiful with an amazing view.
Absolutely stunning view! I’d love to visit someday!
Such a beautiful scenery.
I’ve never been inside of a lighthouse, but I have been wanting to since reading a few books and learning about lighthouses with my 5 and 6 year old!
What a view! I would love to see this someday.
The view really is amazing. A brief history of how they built the lighthouse gave it character and it adds up to the beauty of the place. Thanks
153-foot! I wonder how many steps you had to climb to get to the top! I’ll be panting.
It is so beautiful. I would be scared to live there full time since it is so close to the water but for the summer it will be perfect.