The Bodie Island Lighthouse (technically called the Bodie Island Light Station) is one of five Outer Banks lighthouses, and it’s located just south of Nags Head .
One of the first things I learned about the Bodie Island Lighthouse is that it’s pronounced “body,” not bo-dee. Although the name likely came from the original landowner, local lore has it that it came from all the shipwrecked bodies washing ashore.
Referred to as the “Graveyard of the Atlantic,” treacherous navigational conditions in the Cape Hatteras area have resulted in more than 600 shipwrecks over the years.

The third time’s the charm?
The Bodie Island Lighthouse was built in 1847 in an attempt to better illuminate the coastline, but the brick foundation was unsupported, and it began deteriorating and leaning toward the sea. Not only that, but sailing vessels still couldn’t see the lighthouse as it stood at only 54 feet tall.
In 1859, a new 84-foot lighthouse was constructed on a new foundation, but it was destroyed only two years later when Confederate troops blew it up during the Civil War. Sheesh.
A third structure was built in 1872 at a height of 156 feet, and a newly installed First Order Fresnel lens made it visible 19 miles out to sea. Perfect, right? Not quite. Geese were attracted to the light, and kept crashing into the lens and damaging it. Sigh. So, the lighthouse was painted with black and white stripes, and the goose problem was solved.
Can you climb to the top of Bodie Island Lighthouse? YES!
The Bodie Island Lighthouse is open to climbing from the third Friday in April through Columbus Day. There are 214 steps to the lantern room and 9 landings to rest, but it’s narrow, hot, humid, dimly lit and has two-way traffic, so be sure you know what you’re in for when you set out to climb it. (Fee: $8 adults, $4 seniors/children)
The lighthouse has been fully automated since 1940, and the keeper’s quarters have been turned into a ranger’s station. The light still serves as a navigational tool for sailors and makes two full rotations per minute.
The property is also a wonderful bird-watching area as the grounds are made of marshlands, saltwater ponds and a maritime forest, and it’s located near the Pea Island Wildlife Refuge.
For more information on the Bodie Island Lighthouse and climbs, visit the NPS Cape Hatteras National Seashore website.
Comments & Reviews
My husband has a dream to visit all of the lighthouses on the east coast. We’ve almost accomplished that goal. Of course, the OBX are our home away from home. It’s just magical there!
Lighthouses are so amazing! We have a lighthouse here in Chicago and it’s so gorgeous. Lighthouses are just so charming. The Bodie lighthouse seems amazing <3
Just stunning! WE went to OBX 6 years ago and it might be time for another visit.
Oh wow what an amazing view from the lighthouse. It’s really pretty. I love to go around Georgia taking photos of lighthouses and climb to the tops of the ones that I can. I’m scared of heights but there’s something satisfactory about getting a photo from so high up.
I have never been inside a lighthouse, sounds like a fun place to visit! Great shots! 🙂
I have been inside a bunch, but the ones here in MA are much smaller. This one is very tall in comparison.
I was there many years ago and we went up to the top. We have zillions of lighthouses here in New England, but none of them are as cool as the one on Bodie Island 🙂
Beautiful! Hubby and went on vacation there before kids. I forgot how beautiful the Outer Banks is. we need to take the kid!
I don’t know that I’d want to climb up it, but it’s a pretty lighthouse. And I totally would’ve thought it was bo-dee if you hadn’t of corrected it.
Wonderful pictures Liz! How amazing that you got to get an up close view of the lighthouse. There is only one in my area but you can’t walk up to or go into it.
You really do venture I see!
So beautiful. Would love to spend my time here seeing the beauty around there.
Lighthouses are so interesting. When I first started your post I was struck by the thought of how many have I visited? Surprisingly it is quite a few. The Bodie Lighthouse will now go on the list of must sees, thanks!
Me too! The next time I go to the Outer Banks, I am going to make sure I visit Bodie Island Lighthouse.
I was in the Outter Banks just last summer. We took all our kids on vacation for a week. We did visit a couple of the lighthouses but didn’t get to all of them.
I love to visit lighthouses, I find them so interesting. My husband and I have been talking about taking the kids to the outer banks over the summer, this would be on our list of things to visit.
I bet the views were stunning! What a nice place to visit!
Absolutely gorgeous pictures! I would love to go somewhere along a coast to see a lighthouse.
Looks like a fun place to visit. And oh the view! Beautiful!
It’s fascinating that painting it black and white solved the goose problem! I’ll have to be sure to check this out when I visit NC.
What amazing views! For the 1st time recently I was in a lighthouse. What an amazing experience.
This is beautiful..and the good news is that we aren’t too far from the Outer Banks! Might have to make some travel plans soon!
We’ll be in the Outer Banks this summer so maybe we’ll check this out. Thanks for the warning about the climb!
What a beautiful destination! It looks so pretty and peaceful for a vacation that I would really enjoy. You can’t go wrong when a vacation destination includes such pretty views.
Looks like a great place to visit! I love your photo of the Fresnel lens!
My mom would die if she ever got the opportunity to visit Hatteras. She’s been obsessed with it for years.
That is the most gorgeous place I’ve ever seen. I’d love to get up in the top of the light house and take in all of that beautiful geography.
Oooo I love lighthouses! The Bodie Island Lighthouse looks like a great place to visit, I’d climb it for sure – what a view!!
Beautiful! I would love to visit and do some bird watching from this lighthouse!
we love lighthouse tours
What a beautiful view! I LOVE lighthouses but have never had the honor of seeing one in person. I’d love to someday 🙂
That looks beautiful!
I went and saw the Bodie Lighthouse probably about 5 years ago but it wasn’t open for climbing, I want to go back and climb it. That was a fun area got to see the ship, the gardens, etc.
Ohhh, so beautiful! I love your photos!
This looks fabulous! Thank you for sharing. I will definitely remember it for the next time we visit OBX.
I have always been enamored with lighthouses, but haven’t been in one yet. It is on my bucket list! Thanks first for the stunning photos you’ve shared and secondly, for sharing how to correctly pronounce Bodie. I enjoyed learning about this lighthouse and its lore. Thanks!
I m looking for a wonderful place to go for vacations this summer. I’m adding this to the list.
What a beautiful lighthouse! I live on the New England coast and have always found them to be a special sight!
Wow what a cool lighthouse. I love exploring lighthouses they are so amazing.
What a beautiful lighthouse! I feel lucky that here in Oregon there are several well preserved and still being used on our rocky coastline. I am always amazed with how tiny they are inside.
Wow what a beautiful place! I wish we had something like this near me.
I LOVe lighthouses! This one looks amazing!
We love climbing up lighthouses when we’re travelling. We’re landlocked where we live, so we take the opportunity when we’re on vacation. I love the history each one has!
I love visiting light houses. This looks like a great place to visit. I have always wanted to go to the Outer Banks.
I love this lighthouse! It was the first one I visited up close (I live about 90 minutes from Obx) and was instantly my favorite. My little daughter was looking at your photos and asked about it. Then she asked to go there, so maybe this summer the family will go visit some lighthouses. Thanks for a great post!
Great pics Liz! Growing up in New England, I have always loved lighthouses.
Those are some beautiful pictures. What an amazing place to visit.
What a beautiful view! I’m not sure I could make it to the top though. I’m a bit scared of heights.
What a beautiful lighthouse! My Brother and SIL go to the Outer Banks every year for a family vacation and really love it. One of these trips, my family and I are going to join them! Love the photos!
214 steps oh boy, it reminds me of when we went to scotland with my family for the summer my dad climbed 230 steps to get to the top of the castel it was awesome for him. Thanks for sharing the history of the bodie island lighthouse
I bet that this is an amazing place to visit. It sure looks pretty
I have never seen a lighthouse in person but I want to so bad. They are so gorgeous and serene.
Beautiful. I have always wanted to see a lighthouse!
Oh what fun. My kids saw their first light house last summer and have become obsessed. This one sounds awesome.
What an long history and beautiful view! I’ve always wanted to visit one, but this post is probably the closest I’ll get for a while.
Thank you for sharing these gorgeous pictures!
I love lighthouses! I have never been to the east coast or seen a lighthouse in person, but it’s on my bucket list!
I adore light houses and seeing them in person is an unforgettable experience. I have not seen this one yet but it is on my wish list!
We love to tour lighthouses! It a gorgeous lighthouse and after that climb, the view is worth it! I will have to keep this one on the hit list to check out when we come up that way!
I love visiting lighthouses, and the history behind this one was great! What a beautiful area–I have never been that far north on the east coast.
I love touring llghthouses and this one looks like a beauty.
I absolutely love lighthouses! What a fun trip!
Those pictures are amazing. I’ve always wanted to visit a lighthouse like this. Thanks for sharing!
So much fun! Light houses are so fun to see up close. We went to see one a couple of weekends ago and it was breathtaking!
What a beautiful view from the lighthouse! What a great way to relax and oooh the sunshine..beautiful!
We have not been to the outer banks in years. I actually did not know they even had the lighthouse. Need to schedule a new visit.
How cool. This looks like a really great tourist attraction.
I’m glad they finally got that Lighthouse to work as it is supposed to! I know I would never make it walking to the top-maybe if it was 10 years ago–but not now. That is a beautiful area and i would like to go and just look around.
What a beautiful lighthouse and what an amazing view from the top. I would love to visit there with my sister one of these days. She loves lighthouses. She used to have a room full of nothing but lighthouse decorations. 🙂
This lighthouse is so beautiful and the view is amazing! Looks like a wonderful place to visit!
Wow this looks beautiful. I’ve never seen a lighthouse in person (I know! I don’t get out much!) this looks like a lovely place to visit!
I’m so ashamed that I never visited Cape Hatteras and saw the Bodie Island Lighthouse when I lived in NC! That view is amazing!
Beautiful lighthouse! I’ve never been in one and I think my kids would love a trip to visit some lighthouses.
I have always wanted to visit the Outer Banks. I have a friend who goes every year and I was always so jealous. I love lighthouses!
I’m dying to get there myself. It’s just so stunning.
Beautiful! I would love to visit
Me too! I could spend hours staring at the beauty!
I’ve never been to the outer banks but this looks like a relaxing trip. That lighthouse is great; I would love to take a climb.
My oldest brother lives in North Carolina and the last summer I went to see him we saw a few of the light houses on the Outer Banks!
Such a beautiful lighthouse! Your pictures are making me crave the beach!
over 200 steps! Wow. That’s and adventure.
Those pictures are amazing! I’vve actually never sene a light house up close!
Lighthouses are so beautiful. Those photos are very beautiful.
I would love to visit. Beautiful view from the top.
What an interesting history! I would love to visit lighthouses like this but I’m a little too far from the ocean.
Looks fantastic! I’ve always wanted to visit a lighthouse. I’ve always loved them. This one looks fantastic. I’ll have to visit it one day.
I bet this was really neat to see. All the pictures are great. That is sure a lot of stairs to climb.
What a beautiful sight to see! I have always wanted to see a lighthouse in person!
Looks like an awesome lighthouse. I went to hatteras once and saw the one on the beach that was later moved.
I love visiting lighthouses! This one is so beautiful.
I have always wanted to visit a lighthouse! This looks like such a great place for families!
I bet the view from this lighthouse is stunning! I love taking day trips to visit lighthouses!
My husband would just flip out to see this. So beautiful, thank you so much for sharing!
I have always wanted to climb a lighthouse glad to know you can still do that places. That view is gorgeous~
My dad adores lighthouses so we visited quite a few growing up. I haven’t seen the Bodie Island Lighthouse, but it’s breathtaking.
That’s a beautiful lighthouse! I’ve only seen one lighthouse in person. I’d love to be able to see this one. I will make sure to check it out if I’m ever in the area.
Beautiful! I love lighthouses!
I love Hatteras and the lighthouses all along the outer banks. You make me miss the beach!
This is so pretty! I’ve always loved lighthouses 🙂
Me too! I have a painting of a lighthouse that I love.
I really want to visit OBX one day soon! I have lots of friends that visit there often since it’s a pretty short drive away. The lighthouse looks gorgeous.
I think lighthouses are so cool! I would have called it ‘bow-die’ not ‘body’, so I like that you’ve pointed that out. The view is just beautiful!
I love the deep history behind the lightouse. I am always fascinated by the history that a lighthouse when we travel it is always fun to visit.
Wow! This is beautiful! I’ve never actually seen marshes around a lighthouse like this.
Visiting a light house is on the list of things I’d love to do.
I love lighthouses. This one is so cool looking with its “stripes”. I will have to keep this on my “to see” list!
I would love to get out to NC’s Outer Banks and see things like this! Thanks for sharing!
I really love light houses. there is something about them that beckons me. I think the symbolism of it as well – God is my light house. Great view for sure
What a fun day trip! I’d love to visit
I live in North Carolina, too, and I am ashamed to admit that I have never been to the Outer Banks 🙁 I really need to get out there and see this!
I’ve always wanted to see a lighthouse up close and personal. Must check this out.
I love lighthouses, they have such a charm and beauty to them
Lighthouses are just so amazing! This looks like a great one to visit. Love your pictures.
I love looking at lighthouses as they just stand out and are really stunning. I also like the coastal view they have from the lighthouse.
The history of this lighthouse is amazing. Those prices are great for being able to hike up to the top of the light house!
I was thinking the same thing. Although I’m sure I’d be asking to pay extra for an elevator halfway up.
I wish I could visit in lighthouse, I know and I’ve always heard of history of lighthouse and looks exciting and fun.
Gorgeous pictures! I’ve always wanted to go to Outer Banks. I’d love to learn about the history of the lighthouses!
I really should have toured the lighthouses while I lived in North Carolina. Story of my life, I’ve missed out on the opportunit because I’m not making a plan to visit NC.
How beautiful. I loved learning about the history of this lighthouse. Thanks for the share.
I am going to Cape Cod this fall and you have got me really excited 😉 great pics, too
I would totally climb to the top, humidity or not. I wonder why black and white deters geese…
I just had the chance to go up inside a lighthouse in Cozumel Mexico. The views from on top of one is amazing. Your pictures are beautiful.
This lighthouse looks stunning!
So much beauty in a light house. Living near the cost we saw many beautiful light houses,
I wish I could visit there, looks very beautiful when you go up there.
How beautiful. I love light houses, Touring a light house would be a really fun thing to do.
I love lighthouses they are so fascinating!! The history on this lighthouse sounds amazing!
Wow, this is wonderful. Thanks so much for sharing. Your pictures are wonderful, but every time I think of a lighthouse I think of Pete’s Dragon movie and Helen Reddy and when I think of Helen Reddy I think of I AM WOMAN WATCH ME ROAR! LOL Can you see us on top of a Light House roaring… and then roaring I think of…. KATY PERRY of course! LOL Oh my, must be past my bedtime I’m getting silly here. All in all love your Post and love love the pics. Thanks for sharing.
Oh I LOVE Pete’s dragon! What a beautiful film. Thanks for reminding me of it. I can’t wait to watch it with my 7 year old 🙂
There’s something truly magical about lighthouses… They are after all a beacon of hope. the sign that land is close by where loved ones await.. the view from the top is spectacular!
Such a story–Not sure if I’d be up for the climb….it’s so pretty!
These pictures are beautiful. I love light houses. Thanks for sharing.
That lighthouse has definitely been through a lot. It’s beautiful, though. I’m sure the views from the top are amazing.
That lighthouse has certainly been through alot! I love places with a lot of history and interesting facts. Those views made the climb worth it. Thanks for sharing it with us.
I think they are so neat. I did not know why some arr painted with stripes.
Very pretty! I love lighthouses.
Love reading about lighthouses. They are always a part of rich history.
The lighthouse looks majestic! I’ve never seen one up close, but would love to someday.
How beautiful — I love hearing about local history and landmarks. I can’t wait to travel in a few weeks!
I love these photos. I have always wanted to go into a lighthouse ever since i saw the movie Pet’s dragon. Such a beautiful view!
Great photos! What a beautiful view from the top of that lighthouse! I’d love to visit Cape Hatteras one day.
I would love to visit a light house. So neat that you get to go up to the top
This looks like a place that inspires. I love places like these, there’s something about a lighthouse that screams hope. I have to see this in person!
It’s a pretty spectacular looking lighthouse. I like to visit when we see one too. I can’t imagine working/being there though and having the body’s wash up, oy! Water is amazing, but it’s def. got a dangerous side to it.
What a gorgeous view. I would love to go there and see it first hand.
I have never been to any light house yet but I love how beautiful they look. I am mesmerized when I see them in movies, in postcards, or just about in any printed materials.
I’ll have to share this with my husband. he loves light houses!
Such beautiful pictures! I just love any old rustic lighthouse. I’ll have to keep Bodie island in mind
That lighthouse has gone through a lot! Great post, thanks for sharing!
Looks like such a lovely place to visit, beautiful and serene. Your pictures are lovely!
This is just gorgeous. I would love to visit the Outerbanks one day and get the chance to do some bird watching
Beautiful pictures, Liz! It looks like a great place to check out. I love lighthouses.
On our 10th anniversary we hopped in our car and headed south from NJ and just drove. We ended up in Hatteras and it was the best vacation. No pressure, no expectations.
Light houses are so coo. I would love to see one in person someday.
You got some great photos. One of the things I really want to take pictures of and go inside is a lighthouse. It is on my bucket list! What a fun experience!!!
That is really cool. We love lighthouses and enjoy climbing them and check them out. Being surrounded by the Great Lakes we have a ton of them up here in MI and there are plenty of organizations that do lighthouse tours.
I love a good lighthouse! The only one I’ve been to is the one in Key West though!
Interesting indeed. It would be so interesting to visit here some day. I have yet to visit the one we have here in Marquette MI off Lake Superior. The history of place has always been an interest to me. Thanks for sharing.
I love lighthouses! Looks like a great place to visit this summer, thanks!
We too love to visit lighthouses – each one is so unique!
I love lighthouses. My friends got engaged at one last summer. It was so romanctic ❤️❤️
I love this lighthouse! The outer Banks is one of my favorite vacation spots!
We love visiting lighthouses. Living on the Great Lakes we have so many beautiful lighthouses.
This looks like a gorgeous place to visit!
Liz – how interesting – we’ve talked about doing a lighthouse tour across the country – and there is a Bodie (pronounced boadie – ghost town from the CA Gold Rush near us – so I will remember and pronounce the Bodie Island Lighthouse correctly 🙂
I’d love to see a lighthouse in person. I know there are several in Jersey but I’ve never seen them in person
There is a historical lighthouse in the town in Spain where I grew up. It is simply breathtaking.
I have always wanted to go to the Outer Banks, and I love lighthouses, so Bodie Island seems like a great destination! I found the part about the color scheme being developed because of Geese to be interesting and a little funny. I thoroughly enjoy destination excursions!
I haven’t seen or visited any lighthouse in my 30 years of existence. Soon, I hope i will. Seems like a pretty nice experience.
I didn’t realize there were so many cool light houses around! I need to get to visiting them!
wow, what a gem! I’ve never been into a lighthouse before.
Beautiful. I love lighthouses and yet I have never seen one in person. On my bucket list!
I love all our lighthouses in NC! I always imagine them as so romantic for some reason.
I love lighthouses. This looks like a great one to visit.
Never been one nor saw one I would love to be able to go there in the future. Such romanticism.
The pictures are awesome! The view of marshes from Light house looks so adorable. Thanks for sharing great information about this amazing Bodie Island Light House.
My husband has a bit of an obsession with lighthouses. We have portraits of them all over our bedroom. He would probably love to visit this one.
Wow looks cool. Very interesting lighthouse. Very informative and great pictures too.
I spent a few days on Atlantic Beach at a friends house and really enjoyed the area. Unfortunately, my surfboarding skills weren’t very good in the surf that day.
A beautiful place indeed and I am sure you had a fun day!
This is beautiful! I would love to visit. I’ve never been in a lighthouse before.
Light houses are so beautiful and they photography so well. This looks like a wonderful place to visit and relax.
light houses are so pretty and you learn so much from the history.
I’ve never been IN a lighthouse, but I’m been outside of one in Wisconsin. I’m obsessed with all things nautical so I absolutely love them!
I’ve never seen an actual lighthouse before, let alone been inside one. But it looks like a neat little adventure! maybe one of these days…
What a pretty lighthouse! I would have loved to see it in person!
Wow, what a story!! Just the thought of the name “Bodie (body)” – wow. And 3 times – OMGosh! This would be a great place to visit.
Looks and sounds like such a great place to visit! I hope to take my family one day!
Wow what a beautiful trip that must have been! Hopefully we can take our boys there this summer.
Gorgeous lighthouse! We have beautiful Lighthouses in Michigan.
I’m obsessed with lighthouses and this one is beautiful, inside and out. I’d love to climb to the top of it!
I love lighthouses! I climbed up the one at Tybee Island years ago, and could not move my legs the next day.