I’m Michigan born and raised (right on the lake), so I know firsthand the beauty of the state. There’s nothing like a summer in Petoskey! I remember carrying colorful plastic pails out to the water’s edge with my siblings and spending hours beachcombing for Petoskey stones, the ultimate Michigan souvenir.
If you’ve been to the Petoskey area, you know exactly what kind of treat it is to find Petoskey stones, but if not, you have to go and experience the treasure hunt for yourself. Put it on your travel bucket list!
Petoskey stones aren’t actually stones, but rather the fossilized remains of an ancient colony coral in existence over 350 million years ago. The Petoskey stone with its signature gray color and honeycomb circle pattern is actually a collection of tubes where individual animals lived. The circles were their mouths, and the lines surrounding the circles were tentacles.
In more recent ancient history when glaciers covered the land, the ice broke off chunks of the coral and scattered them throughout Michigan. And now beachcombing for Petoskey stones is a favorite “Pure Michigan” activity.
The best places to hunt for Petoskey stones are on the beaches of Lake Michigan in the Petoskey area, so try Petoskey State Park, Magnus City Park Beach and the Petoskey Breakwall. Look along the Bear River and on the Little Traverse Wheelway too.
Another tip is to dig around a little bit in the shallows and in the sand at the surf’s edge. Not everyone thinks to do that, so you may find a few there.
Two especially good times to find Petoskey stones are in early spring after the ice melts on the lake and right after a storm when the waves have kicked things up. You can still find Petoskey stones from spring through early winter though, so don’t give up. They’re just a bit easier to spot at certain times.
Speaking of spotting them, when Petoskey stones are dry, the distinctive hexagon design is hard to see, and the stones appear a solid gray color. If you’re unsure of your find, dip the stone into water to see if any circles appear. It’s a fun treasure hunt!
For more outdoor fun in the Petoskey area, you’ll find everything you need at the Petoskey area visitor center website and if you’re looking for a uniquely Petoskey place to stay, look no further than the Elvyn Lea Lodge near Walloon Lake.
Comments & Reviews
This sounds like a great way to spend the day. I would enjoy this, I love to go to the beach to hunt for sharks teeth. It would be neat to add a Petoskey stone to my treasures.
I had not heard of Petoskey stones before, so thank you for telling us about them. They sure are gorgeous and really unique! I’d love to go on a hunt!
Those are really pretty. I haven’t been beachcombing in ages.
Those are so amazing! Until today, I’d never even heard of Petoskey stones. They look so cool!
WHAT!? I have never seen anything like those stones..nor have I ever heard of them?! How beautiful. Now I want to go beachcombing too!
Those stones are beautiful. I had no idea that you could find stones like that on Lake Michigan. Those are really cool.
Wow!! How beautiful. I remember collecting shells at the beach when I was younger. I grew up on the west coast so we had more shells than stones. I’d love to explore some beaches in the east coast!
I used to go to Lake Michigan every summer growing up and I loved hunting for rocks on the beach. This kind is SO COOL. I loved finding ones that looked like an oreo, lol. Random but there ya go! 🙂
I have never been beachcombing, but this looks like a lot of fun. A great outing with my daughter, we could find some great treasures like you found.
Those are so amazingly cool! We collect shells when we go to the beach but that’s next level.
Those stones are gorgeous! I spent some time in Michigan growing up, but I’ve never heard of Petoskey stones before. They are so cool! What a fun activity the whole family can do together.
I love collecting shells and beach glass. Those stones are beautiful.
I used to love going beach hunting when I was younger, how amazing does that pebble look. That would definitely be something that I would take home.
How cool! I’ve been wanting to start Isaak in on finding rocks, and using pen and ink to make patterns or images on them. He’d love their rocks!
This would be such a fun activity to do with the kids. I love picking up interesting things at the beach and those are beautiful!
I have never seen a Petoskey stone before. They are so beautiful I would love to go hunting for some.
My friend has a Petoskey stone. It is so pretty I look st it every time I am there. I would love to go searching for some with the kids. I bet you find all kinds of cool things.
I hadn’t ever heard of Petoskey stones before reading your post. My son would have loved these when he was little. He loved all things fossil!
I have never seen such a beautiful stone in my life. What a fun treasure hunt this is must be.
Those stones look cool! I would love to have some of these for myself. I am going to have to get to Michigan now and find some.
Wow, those are beautiful. I’ve never seen anything like those stones before. I’d love to go hunting for them.
It looks like I need to head to the Lake Michigan area. Those are really pretty. I love the interesting patterns on them.
These are BEAUTIFUL stones! I always love coming to your blog, because I learn something new and know what to look for whenever I visit suggested spots.
Amazing. My younger kid would definitely love doing this.we love visiting Michigan as often as possible.
Thank you! I finally learned why I am always seeing people combing the beaches in Michigan with their little buckets while sifting through the rocks. I had no idea what Petoskey stones were, but now I do and I am sure that’s what these folks are looking for!
Wow those are so cool looking. My son would really looking/hunting for those! I actually havent seen anything like them before.
Awesome! I never thought these beautiful stones have an amazing history where they came from. Would be combing the beaches of Michigan for these stones next time. 😀
Those stones are beautiful! I wish I could find some like that. I would have to be more vigilant in spotting pretty things on the shore the next time we are at the beach.
That looks so much fun! I didn’t know there was a great history of how they are formed!
Wow, how amazing is that? I would love to do something like this. Never seen these type of stones before. So cool!
Wow, finding anything that indicates existence over 350 million years ago is really something!
The ancient colony coral in this region must be a fun mini-adventure in itself.
I love this! I would love to go there and hunt for the rocks. I always look for she;;s and rocks at the beach so this would be perfect!
Wow those are absolutely gorgeous, would love to have a day discovering those with my kids.
Wow can’t believe that these stones actually exist. They seem like made in some factory. Absolutely love them. Would love to visit the place some day.
I had no idea that’s what those were called. How fun and a neat fact!
I love hunting for cool-looking stones on beaches we visit. The Petoskey stones look amazing and I love the history where they came from. Thanks for sharing this!
I never saw them. That would be an amazingly cool find though. Pretty sure my kids would love to find and collect ’em too 😉
Wow. Those stones are beautiful. I wonder if they are only found in Michigan? I wish I knew of other areas near me that had them. I would try my luck and do some beach combing on our next vacation.
What a gorgeous and fun thing to do! I’ve never been to this area and would love to go someday.